Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Anglo Saxon Lyre


  1. Nan:

    I saw that YouTube video about a year ago. It was a nice job, but I think there was a video that played a prettier tune than that. Or maybe I'm thinking of something else. . . .
    Anne G

  2. nan, Interesting in the light of your comments about historical accuracy. If you see what they found, and then what they "reconstructed' from it, there's a huge leap in faith involved. And to think that this is what it sounded like is another one.

  3. That, too, is an interesting comment, since it mirrors my own views about historical accuracy. Your comments,also interestingly,mirror what I've discovered when people try to reconstruct what prehistoric humans may have looked like, from various fossils. The reconstructions often vary quite widly, if not wildly. Yet the reconstructors almost always claim their reconstructions are the most accurate.

    But as this is a medieval-themed blog, I guess I'd better shut up. The "accuracy" controversy is more or less ongoing.
    Anne G

  4. It was a nice job, but Best waterfront restaurant I think there was a video that played a prettier tune than that.
